Department of Veterans Affairs

There is no letup in problems at the Department of Veterans Affairs, formerly known as the Veterans Administration, according to an article by Dave Boyer in the Washington Times. John Cooper of Concerned Veterans for America is quoted: “The VA is still struggling with a lack of accountability, an inability to properly manage a budget rapidly approaching $200 billion, and a failure to provide veterans with timely access to care and benefits. “The VA is broken, and if we want veterans to be assured of a VA that works, we need to systemically reform it.”
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Despite a $10 billion dollar investment, veterans are waiting even longer to see a doctor according to National Public Radio. "Although the idea sounds simple enough, the fix hasn't worked out as planned," NPR says." Wait times have gotten worse — not better. Compared with this time last year, there are 70,000 more appointments that took vets at least a month to be seen."
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"I no longer trust them to fix me when I'm broken" is the title of an article by USA Today. "Its failures have played out in crisis after crisis in recent years, from the benefit-claims backlog that reached more than a half million applications in 2013 to the revelation last year that patient wait-time records were manipulated while veterans died waiting for care," says the write-up.
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